Friday, September 21, 2007

Sweet isn't Tweet

Twitter is a social network which answer to the simple question "What am I doing right now ?". This free service supplies 140 characters for providing a message to the community. You can create a public account or create your own friends network. This service was launch in 2006 by Obvious company.

To publish your messages, you can use the Twitter website, your cellular phone (via SMS), a live messenger (ex : Google Talk) or a software / website which use the free Twitter API. So, Twitter is the viral medium of micro information.

Twitter reveal an evolution in contents creation. Anyone have a different usage of this webservice. The users majority tells their lives with an exhibitionist aspect. Some others prefer to communicate in public about simple subjects. But with Twitter you can also send free SMS and create a new kind of blogging : micro-blogging. So, you can provide a scoop or poll quickly a large community.

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