Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Google is a joke

A joke said " Soon, we had to search Google by using Google". The Californian company  improves everyday its services even if a large majority of websurfers only know the search engine. Google provides free webmaster tools or high tech advances. Currently, the firm enhances their mobile phones services.

Google grows every day or maybe we had to say "every week" because Google is specialized in detection of new companies and it buys out them. We could quote Youtube, Feedburner ou DoubleClick but the best example is the buyback of Pyra Labs, the company which conceived Blogger. The platform used for my own blog. Google have reach its monopolistic statue thanks to hundreds of these promising companies.

Even if Google have a monopolistic statue, I think that it's a rightful one. Their catch phrase sums up their vision "Don't be evil". However, I'm a quiet afraid by their respect of the privacy and personal data.

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