Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Is your song a potential hit ?

Polyphonic HMI is a spanish company which developed the Hit Song Science project. This software is able to determine if your song will be a hit. The estimation of your song is based on an algorythm which analyse a large sample of music.More than 1,5 million of Billboard 200's songs are registered in the data base to compare your music to the best universal hits. Your judges are 20 parameters like the melody, the rhythm, tempo, pitch, octave, beat, fullness of sound, noise, brilliance, etc.).

The Hit Song Science software compares the sonic characteristics of a new piece of music with a database of the analyzed data of music and determines the similarities. However, there are differents ethics problem with this software which judge your music without be able to analyse the quality of the lyrics or the vogue. Your commercial success is estimated by comparing with pre-existents hits. So, if this software (used by many majors which said have discovered Norah Jones or Maroon5 thanks to Hit Song Science) become a success, it will limit the creativity of the future artists.

Everybody can test its music for a low cost (40€/ song - 4000€ a complete album). After 24h, you receive a note. If you exceed 7,3, you have composed a legendary success ! But, if you have a note less than 4 ... please stop playing music. A high rating in our system can give you a competitive edge and better visibility within the Music Industry professionals, music lovers, and new fans.

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